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  • Old Town "Town" system!


    not if it prevents people to TPing or before accepting TP a warning shows saying its PVP district. but it don't matter anymore since big said no PVP :x
    Wasn't replying to him :p and second tp is disabled atm but people anyways use lava Kry :/
    lol you just can't prevent those type of people... I would see if possible to have a tp warning before typing if let say, lava is near the other player by 2 or 3 blocks.


    i personally see a way where the war thing can work.

    first of all you have to work with others! its not like ur walking home and a gang pops out of no where, you would be going to war with others! second of all cant we just /gamerule keepInventory true this cause that would solve the whole "MEH STUFFIES" thing. If not could there be a way to keepinventory this war itself too. maybe if like, the people make it to the towns spawn point that can reconize if its a town memeber or not or if there is a war? i was thinking if you reach the town you'd get money and/or ores etc. i dunno but i did like the war aspect even though im not even good at pvp. i just like how you can bond and work together more because if you consider it, when you make a town about 50% of the people just want a somewhat safer place to live. the other 50% are coming to live with people and/or are to lazy to build a house. when war goes on it somewhat forces the people to talk together. tell me now, Who here has a town where they talk to EVERYONE that lives in it. the answer is most likey none of you. its the sad truth.