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  • Recent content by Kiki

    1. Kiki


    2. Kiki


      So I guess this is the Introducing myself page so....I'm Introducing myself?....(Idk how to do this because i've never actually done this so...yeah..)But hi! I'm Kristi or Kiki I don't really care what you call me. List of things I like:Supernatural,Anime(Sword Art Online is currently my...
    3. Kiki

      As a addition to my last post....Misha is my fav Or Castiel

      As a addition to my last post....Misha is my fav Or Castiel
    4. Kiki

      Yes,I liek Supernatural....alot It's kinda a addiction it's kinda a lifestyle.....

      Yes,I liek Supernatural....alot It's kinda a addiction it's kinda a lifestyle.....