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  • Recent content by its_samm

    1. its_samm

      Server restart

      How have i got more than 1k views on this thread, thats like, 1k times my instagram followers span, yeah thats right 1 follower and guess what? Its an alternate account :O
    2. its_samm

      hi its Jack

      But... But... But... But... He's back :D
    3. its_samm

      Dogs forgetting you

      Nah, I prefer a cat that doesn't go NYA NYA NYA NYA NYANAYNYA I prefer a cat that goes WHIP WHIP NAE NAE
    4. its_samm

      The Panem Plan

      Um, can I help? I'm no master builder but I am a HUGE Hunger Games fan :3
    5. its_samm

      Server restart

    6. its_samm

      Server restart

      --(•-•)/ <) ) -/ \ Fabulous
    7. its_samm

      Guess what bakpak will do

    8. its_samm

      Changed my skin for Halloween!

      In my town, me and my friend never get trick or treaters, so we just sit and watch The Simpsons
    9. its_samm

      Guess what bakpak will do

      Dang it I always make that mistake ._.
    10. its_samm

      Guess what bakpak will do

      Yay CP! I like it because my sis was a beta tester. We used a program so she could get me the beta hat, while losing hers. Wow, The Tribal Chickencs. Great grammar.
    11. its_samm

      Server restart

    12. its_samm

      Server restart

      Funny tnt pun. But I can't be bothered. You win. It has been 8 days. You still reading?! Wait, Noah would be jealous? He is 5 months younger than me. '-'
    13. its_samm

      Server restart

    14. its_samm

      Server restart

    15. its_samm

      Server restart

      No '-'